Earthing by Barefoothealing

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Spice And All Things Nice

Tumeric, Saffron and Cumin are wonderful wholefood nutrition and Nature's medicine.
Singling out Tumeric, with its yellow orange colour, used to be called Indian Saffron

If you travel through India, for example, you would see the markets alive with a vivid array of colourful spices, and one would see many holy men, dasas and sannyasins dressed in various shades of saffron yellow, going about their daily mediation prayers and sacred practices.

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Forgiveness ~ Finding time to forgive

We talked about life’s balance and how health is much more than just nutrition and exercise.  For true health and a balanced life we need to take care of our other needs one is our connection to others.  Whether you consider forgiveness spiritual, relationship or self-esteem it is an important part of emotional health and thereby physical as well.

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15 secrets to lose weight for good!

Diet and Weight Loss

We live in a funny society.  We treasure slim, thin, skinny and we dole out mountains of processed snack, junk and fast foods.  We sit around and watch television instead of getting up and walking to the park or grocery store.


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Strive towards living a healthier lifestyle

I am taking another little break in my series on organization to talk about something that is on everyone’s tongue right now and that is health care reform.  The health care plan has found everyone with an opinion and they are strong opinions.  It is a subject that has religion, money and politics all involved not to mention our basic quality of life.

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Bring on Happiness

I found this on happiness and thought it was a good reminder for all of us!


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Is your life feeling out of balance?

Is your life feeling out of balance?

No matter what we use as criteria when it comes to experiencing balance in our lives, we have certain needs that need to be filled throughout our lives and the more balanced our fulfillment of these needs, the smoother our boat will sail and the closer to balance we will get.

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Its Time To Chill Out!- Adrenal Fatigue

Learning about physical exhaustions is something we all need to understand and we need to strive towards maintaining a balanced healthy body with a happy stress free lifestyle!

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Posted on in Nutritional News
GMO - Genetically Modified Foods


You hear a lot about GMO’s these days.  What is the best way to avoid GMO’s?  Eat whole foods!  What exactly is a GMO?  Genetically modified foods have had foreign genes inserted into their genetic codes.

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Reasons to stay active!

Reasons to stay active

1. Exercise and group training sessions- boosts your brain power. Regular exercise helps to develop better concentrations and mental clarity by sending more oxygen to the brain and stimulating the release of testosterone, which promotes confidence and improves short and long-term memory. Also it will help you become more focused.

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How to start "Earthing!" everyday!

THERE'S little time to get our feet dirty in today's world, but that may change as a simple new therapy offers myriad benefits.

The concept sounds too good to be true: Enjoy better health just by walking barefoot on the earth. It may seem a bit hippy-dippy, but research links this practice, known as "earthing", to everything from reduced levels of inflammation and pain to improved sleep.

Perhaps it's a little odd to have a philosophy that describes what many of us did every day as kids – dodging bindis in the grass, feeling the sand between your toes – but modern lifestyles have formed a barrier between our bodies and Earth's surface.

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Posted on in Nutritional News
The exposure of the chemicals in your foods!

The Secret Chemicals In Your Food Exposed

Fire retardants. Lead. Mercury. Pesticides. Hormones. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). DDT. Dioxins.
These are just some of the secret toxins hiding in the food you eat every single day.
In a recent university study, scientists discovered that a shocking 41% of all foods tested – that includes fresh fish, meats, canned goods, snacks, and more – contained dangerous toxins.


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Posted on in Nutritional News
Why Soy is not really a healthy option

Soy milk has enjoyed an undeserving health label in recent years.  According to Dr. Mercola, the Chinese have enjoyed the health benefits of soy for centuries.  The difference between the healthy soy that they eat and the soy that we get here in the United States comes down to fermentation.  Fermented soy is good and healthy, unfermented soy is downright dangerous. 

Why? Our soy is genetically modified to stand up to poisonous pesticides.  The studies are showing that the damage is showing up in 2nd and 3rd generations instead of those who are originally exposed.  Even if you have organic soy, (only about 5% in USA), it is dangerous.  Soy has estrogen components and phytic acid.


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Move it !

I like to move it…move it!

You need to exercise.  I need to exercise.  I moved ahead to write this chapter because I have a struggle with myself when I am working on too many exciting things and that is to leave my time in for exercise and fitness.  The problem is, once you quit moving so do our endorphins and it gets a little depressing.

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Posted on in Nutritional News

I Love coconut oil...I use it in cooking, on my hair and as a moisturiser. The naturally occurring saturated fat found in coconut oil has some spectacular health benefits such as promoting heart health, weight loss, immune system health, thyroid function and more. Half of the fat content in coconut oil is lauric acid—a fat rarely found in nature—that could easily qualify as a "miracle" ingredient because of its unique health-promoting properties. Your body converts lauric acid into monolaurin, which has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-protozoa properties. Do you use it?— 

Coconut oil can be used for a lot of things.

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Posted on in Nutritional News
Low Metabolism VS Ultra Metabolism

The difference in diet philosophy is really obvious!

Dr. Mark Hyman says to do everything you can and there is a long, strong list to reach ultra-metabolism.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman, in his book “Eat to Live”, he speaks of lowering our metabolism to increase our longevity.  WHAT!!!  How can that be?  If you Google “increase metabolism” on the Internet you get 100’s of responses with advice on how to raise our metabolism to lose weight.  Dr. Fuhrman pretty much stands alone on Google to lower the metabolism.

Metabolism is our resting metabolic rate.  It is the amount of energy that the body requires to maintain life.  According to Dr. Fuhrman, “there are unfavorable consequences to running your body at faster than normal speed, and raising your metabolism is not the key to weight loss.”  He says that by increasing our metabolism we increase damage to our DNA, proteins and lipids, thereby decreasing the body’s physiological functions over time and leading to tissue and organ damage which leads to chronic disease and death.

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Let the sun shine

“Because vitamin D is so cheap and so clearly reduces all-cause mortality, I can say this with great certainty: Vitamin D represents the single most cost-effective medical intervention in the United States.” ~ Dr. Greg Plotnikoff, Medical Director, Penny George Institute for Health and Healing, Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis

Vitamin D2 is made by plants.  Vitamin D3 is made when the skin is exposed to the sun.  Foods can be altered to have vitamin D2 or D3 in them.  As always the natural source is the best.  If that is not possible, like you live in a cloudy area, you can also get them in supplements.

Vitamin D’s job is to maintain normal blood levels of phosphorous and calcium.  It helps calcium to be absorbed which forms and keeps your bones strong. 

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Cleansing and Detoxing

Are you a little tempted to try it?

Do you wonder about it?

Cleansing has become very popular lately. Popular and controversial. There has not been a lot of research or study on colon cleansing so there is no empirical data or ironclad answer. Some doctors say steer clear because it is unnecessary and dangerous and others prescribe it as a way to unclog your pipes and flush away the toxins.


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The Real Truth About Weight Gain & Weight Loss

In 2007, after many clinical studies, the Physical Activity Guidelines published that they didn’t have enough significant evidence to prove that exercising more promoted weight loss.

Every study done on reducing daily calorie intake for weight loss has proven this calorie in and calorie out theory wrong because insignificant amount of weight loss was achieved and it didn’t last long.

Our grocery stores are filled with zero fat or low fat products, people have turned into fanatic calorie counters, and the diet and weight loss industry is bringing in $30 billion dollars a year. Yet, people are still getting fatter and sicker, more and more with each year. 

Obesity in American has gone up 250% in the last 50 years.

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Our connection to nature, the planet and the universe is vital, however, with rapid advances in technology and our modern fast-paced lifestyles, many of us have become separated from our basic bond with mother Earth. When was the last time you walked barefoot on the Earth?

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Are You In An Unhealthy Profession?

Are You In An Unhealthy Profession?

Things that factor into poor health in a profession include hazards, mental and physical health, stress, long hours, and depressing work environments.  It has been found that companies who invest in the wellbeing of their employees have healthier and happier workers.

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